Porcelain Veneers in Orlando, FL
What are Veneers?
Dental veneers are aesthetic restorations that we bond to the front of your most noticeable teeth, immediately changing the appearance of your smile. Dr. Do can use veneers to make your teeth look whiter, straighter, and shaped just the way you want them to be. Depending on your bite, most people need 6-10 veneers across their upper front teeth.
How Veneers Work
What Cosmetic Issues Can Veneers Treat?
Tooth Staining and Discoloration
The shade of your porcelain veneers is hand-selected by you and Dr. Do, allowing you to immediately create whiter and brighter teeth. All stains or discolorations are safely tucked behind a thin layer of porcelain.
Tooth Misalignment and Gaps
Instead of wearing braces, we can bond veneers over the front of your teeth to make them look straighter and properly aligned.
Worn, Chipped, and Irregularly Shaped Teeth
Since dental veneers cover the edges of your treated teeth, we can adjust the overall shape of each tooth to make it more symmetrical with its neighbors.
Misalignment or Gapping
Veneers can resolve any minor tooth misalignment and gap in your smile. After your teeth are trimmed and covered with veneers to correct these issues, you can enjoy a bright, straight, natural-looking smile.
Keep in mind that veneers can only be used to treat minor misalignment and tooth gapping issues. For more serious teeth alignment complications, your dentist may recommend orthodontic care. Treatment such as Invisalign or braces may be required before cosmetic treatment with veneers.
Dental Veneers F.A.Q.
Porcelain veneers are non-reversible. However, Lumineers or other types of no-prep veneers can be removed at any point in the future.
With proper maintenance, a porcelain dental veneer can last over ten years. We recommend using a night guard to protect your veneers from wear or chipping.
Our Baldwin Park veneers are primarily crafted from durable porcelain, although we also offer composite materials for specific, isolated tooth repairs.
Custom porcelain veneers offer enhanced aesthetics and customization but are permanent. Lumineers, on the other hand, require no tooth preparation and are removable, although not everyone is a candidate for this type of veneer.
The price of dental veneers is most dependent upon the type of veneer you choose (porcelain vs. composite) and how many dental veneers you need. This number can vary significantly from one person to the next. Dr. Do will provide you with a treatment estimate at the time of your initial consultation.